The Winchester College Admissions Process
What is the admissions process for Winchester at 13+?
Students can enter Winchester at 13+ and 16+. The application deadline for 2027 entry for 13+ is 3 July 2024.
Parents must apply via a form online for which there is a non-refundable £400 fee.
What is the assessment process?
All students sitting for both the standard entrance exam, or a scholarship called an ‘Election’ sit a common English and maths paper. These papers are set at the standard level, but Election candidates also have an opportunity to show their maths skills in Paper 2.
Students from prep schools also sit papers in science, geography and history. In the instance where a candidate has studied Latin or French in their prep school, they must also undertake that. Candidates can also choose to sit a Greek paper and Spanish/German if they’ve done that at prep school.
Candidates from state schools can take the full array of papers if they wish, but maths and English are the only compulsory papers for these students.
Winchester say:
We have reformed the Entrance exam to be more accessible to pupils from different academic backgrounds. However, the exam remains challenging, with some of the questions designed to be particularly stretching.”
The syllabuses below set out what could be covered in each subject. These should be cross-referenced with the KS3 and Common Entrance syllabuses.
You can read about the Winchester syllabus and past papers for 13+ admissions below:
Winchester College | Entrance Exam
What is the process for the Winchester scholarship?
Some students who are especially clever may be asked to take part in Election, the academic scholarship exam.
Election is a set of exams taken instead of the Winchester Entrance exam. It is described by Winchester as a “unique selection process involving both written examinations and interviews”. The Winchester scholarship or ‘Election’ typically takes place at the school over three days in April or May of Year 8.
What happens to boys who sit for the Winchester scholarship?
Students who are successful in the Winchester scholarship face three outcomes:
A scholarship which means they are offered a place in ‘College’ which is the school’s oldest boarding house. When they join the school, they are known as ‘scholars’ and wear a distinct gown.
An exhibition which means a pupil is publicly recognised for their ability academically and accepts a place in one of the boarding houses of the school.
A ‘Headmaster’s Nomination’ which is where a pupil who has not already been offered a conditional place or been successful in gaining an academic scholarship is offered a place in one of the school’s boarding houses and has strong enough results to gain entry into the school.
What does the Winchester scholarship involve?
Students sitting for the Winchester scholarship or ‘Election’ must sit papers in English, Maths 1, science and the ‘General Paper 1’. They must also take at least three papers from Latin, French, Greek, history, geography, Maths 2 and General Paper 2. compulsory papers in English, Maths 1 and General Paper 1.
Winchester has also reformed the Election process to be more accessible to pupils from state schools and different academic backgrounds. Candidates from the maintained sector sit English, maths and General Paper 1 as compulsory subjects.
Can I apply in Years 9, 10 and 11?
Some places do appear at Winchester for entry at Years 9, 10 and 11 and although it’s less common, it’s worth contacting the school if you do happen to need entry at this point.
What is the admissions process for Winchester at 16+?
Winchester does accept pupils for sixth form entry. The application for applying is here.
You can visit Winchester via an open day in September when your child is in Year 11 and after submitting an application you will be invited to an interview in November of Year 11.
What is the application process for 16+ entry?
Parents complete the application form. You can also apply for bursaries and scholarships at this point.
Parents can indicate on the application if they wish their child to be considered for a Warden's Award. More details about the awards can be found here.
Overseas candidates arrange to sit UKiset assessment tests, to make sure that results reach Winchester by their deadline.
All students who are applying will complete aptitude tests remotely.
These students are reviewed and a shortlist is then drawn up. Winchester will contact all applicants via email.
If you are shortlisted at Winchester for entry into the sixth form of the school, then you will ask for payment of the £400 Registration Fee.
In December, places are offered and in May/June of the following year you will be invited to a sixth form ‘induction day’ where staff and current sixth formers will guide new students through life at the school.
Regarding results at GCSE, Winchester say: “We would expect anyone who has been offered a place to achieve the required GCSE results. Everyone with a confirmed place is required to send official confirmation of their results to the Admissions team, when these are published in August”.