
The latest news and stories

Discover the latest from the world of mentoring and character education, perfect for both parent and schools alike.

Families Ben Stevens Families Ben Stevens

Preparing for the gig economy

Nearly 70% of Gen-Zers are either freelancers or plan to do so in the future, according to freelancing platform Fiverr. For many of you parents mulling that statistic, it really is a remarkable shift in the makeup of the economy you’re used to.

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Families, Schools Ben Stevens Families, Schools Ben Stevens

Children, smartphones and schools

Should children under the age of 15 be banned from using smartphones? When thinking of Eton College, its prestige and academic excellence often come to mind, yet its approach to pastoral care may not be immediately apparent. Therefore, the recent decision by the school to prohibit new students from bringing smartphones and instead provide them with “bricks” marks a significant and positive step in addressing the issue of smartphone use among children in our society.

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Families Jess Bibby Families Jess Bibby

Family Survey 2024

We surveyed 330 new families that work with us, asking them about their experience with Oppidan and how effective mentoring has been for their children.

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