11+ Journey

The 11+ Journey is a programme of 1:1 tuition and mentoring that covers everything for successful entry to an independent school at either 11+ or 13+.

Why the 11+ Journey

The 11+ Journey prepares Years 5 & 6 students to get into their top choice senior school.   


Targeted tuition

Specific tuition for the ISEB and school admissions tests ensures each student is academically ready.


9 in 10 success rate

Confidence boosting preparation for interviews means 90% of Oppidan students get their top 11+ offer.


Bespoke school advice

Our experienced team can provide expert guidance on which schools to choose and when to apply.

How it works

Journey timeline

Step 1

Academic assessment

Parents want to know the relative academic level of their child. The first port of call is our academic assessment to give a comprehensive overview of your child’s strengths and weaknesses. This guides the programme direction and mentor choice.

Step 2

Start the 11+ handbook

Mentors come armed with our 11+ guide: a 12, 25 or 50-session workbook developed with our prep school partners that takes students through all the key academic areas of the 11+.

Step 3

School advice meeting

Parents benefit from a 15-minute consultation with our schools advisor, Cat Sutherland-Hawes. With over 20 years of admissions experience, Cat is perfectly placed to support with all aspects of the process.

Step 4

Parent check in

Regular check-ins between office team and parent to ensure the journey is progressing well and remains adaptable to expectations.

Our mentors

Meet our 11+ experts

My Mentor and Me3.jpg

My Mentor & Me

Our campaign film showcases the beautiful relationship between Gabi and her mentor Camilla through their 11+ Journey.

What parents say

From the blog

11+ articles & news

Frequently asked questions

Speak to the team about the 11+ Journey

Fill out the short form and one of our client managers will be in touch to discuss how best to support your child.