11+ Journey

The 11+ Journey is a programme of 1:1 tuition and mentoring that covers everything for successful entry to an independent school at either 11+ or 13+.

Why the 11+ Journey

The 11+ Journey prepares Years 5 & 6 students to get into their top choice senior school.   


Targeted tuition

Specific tuition for the ISEB and school admissions tests ensures each student is academically ready.


9 in 10 success rate

Confidence boosting preparation for interviews means 90% of Oppidan students get their top 11+ offer.


Bespoke school advice

Our experienced team can provide expert guidance on which schools to choose and when to apply.

How it works

Journey timeline

Step 1

Academic assessment

Parents want to know the relative academic level of their child. The first port of call is our academic assessment to give a comprehensive overview of your child’s strengths and weaknesses. This guides the programme direction and mentor choice.

Step 2

Start the 11+ handbook

Mentors come armed with our 11+ guide: a 12, 25 or 50-session workbook developed with our prep school partners that takes students through all the key academic areas of the 11+.

Step 3

School advice meeting

Parents benefit from a 15-minute consultation with our schools advisor, Cat Sutherland-Hawes. With over 20 years of admissions experience, Cat is perfectly placed to support with all aspects of the process.

Step 4

Parent check in

Regular check-ins between office team and parent to ensure the journey is progressing well and remains adaptable to expectations.

Our mentors

Meet our 11+ experts

My Mentor and Me3.jpg

My Mentor & Me

Our campaign film showcases the beautiful relationship between Gabi and her mentor Camilla through their 11+ Journey.

What parents say

From the blog

11+ articles & news

Frequently asked questions

  • The 11+ is a β€˜catch all’ term to include several types, and stage, of assessment children face when applying to their chosen senior independent schools for Year 7 or 9 entry. The phrase 11+ can also be used to refer to the entry exams the LEAs (Local Education Authorities) used for grammar schools (these are selective state schools).

  • The 11+ can refer to the process for admission at 11 or 13. Admission at 11+ (Year 7) entry is typical of lots of day schools in London as well as the girls’ boarding schools.

    Some schools, such as the Consortium schools (e.g Godolphin and Latymer or South Hampstead High School) have their own standardised tests which include multiple choice Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Maths and English, like the entry process for children applying to state grammar schools.

  • For many in the independent sector, the dominant element of the 11+ is the Pre-Test which is taken when a pupil is in Years 6 or 7 and includes four tests in a multiple-choice format; English, Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning.

    Importantly, the Pre-Test is not for Year 7 (11+ entry) but instead acts as an early assessment for schools in picking candidates for entry at 13+.

    The following is taken from the ISEB website regarding details of the ISEB Pre-Tests.

    • Test are online and adaptive, and in a multiple-choice format

    • Include four tests: English, Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning

    • May be taken together at the same time, or at separate times

    • May be taken in the pupils’ own school, at the senior school they are applying for, or at an independent invigilation centre

    • Provide a pupils’ results to all senior schools that they have applied to, which means the pupil only needs to sit the tests once

    • May be taken at any time during the ISEB Pre-Tests session (which runs from October – June in each academic year)

    • Offer full technical support to schools which use them

    • Are unique to ISEB and standardised for the independent sector

    • Provide the ISEB Test Walkthrough so pupils are able to experience the look and feel of the tests

    Increasingly, schools have chosen to use the β€˜Common pre-test’ administered by the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB) which is why the exam is commonly referred to as the β€˜ISEB Pre-Test’. You can see which schools use the Common Pre-Tests here.

  • For 13+ entry, children also often face interviews and school-specific academic tests (such as the ones for Eton and Harrow) once the first hurdle of the Pre-Test has been taken.

    It’s worth mentioning that ISEB also administers other common exams including Common Entrance (CE) which is the term applied to the test children take at 13+. The Common Entrance isn’t β€˜common’ at all anymore. It’s mainly used for setting in future schools and there’s no standard mark scheme rather being at the senior’s school discretion depending on their own academic system.

  • The programme is for children in Years 4-6, with the delivery tailored accordingly.

  • Once a week for the length of the programme. 

  • We've designed the 11+ Journey in collaboration with our partners, the UK’s leading prep schools.  

  • Mentors follow our 11+ Handbook with sessions covering each area of that student’s future schools process. You can download a sample of the handbook further up this page.

  • Almost always we recommend a hybrid approach. The first session is wherever possible in person, to establish a good rapport and thenceforth online to make scheduling easier. 

  • We don't expect you to want or need to change your mentor. Families are permitted one change if things aren't working effectively. 

Speak to the team about the 11+ Journey

Fill out the short form and one of our client managers will be in touch to discuss how best to support your child.