How can we help?

FAQs for families

  • The focus of mentoring is giving students the confidence and resilience to achieve at school. Whereas traditional tutoring is often short-term support delivered by academic specialists, mentoring is deliberately longer-term support that focuses on character skills in order to drive academic engagement and attainment.

  • Our mentoring approach should always lead to students achieving their potential and it has academic success as a key focus throughout.

  • Constructive feedback is given after each session and reports are shared at the end of each month.

  • Sessions can take place in your home, online or in certain circumstances, at the Oppidan office in Hammersmith.

  • Through Zoom or similar platforms. We also enable our mentors to use Lesson Space to enhance their teaching.

  • We recommend sessions take place at least weekly, but we believe it’s up to your child to decide what’s best for them: we’re all about kids taking control of their education.

  • Each mentor is trained and equipped with the mentor handbook which is accessible digitally for all clients and via hard copy, at a small extra cost.

  • Our pairing is a careful process central to our mentoring mission but if the match does not initially prove successful, we are very happy to find a more suitable replacement.

  • Call the team in the office on +44 (0) 203 4093359 for an initial chat or email

  • Oppidan has now grown to a team of 200 inspiring mentors; a network of game changers who dedicate themselves to the personal development of each of their mentees.

  • We take care in matching the right mentor to each child, and during your initial call with a Client Manager, we will ask about your child’s interests and hobbies. We then speak with a range of mentors who have similar passions and have experience in the academic areas your child would like to focus on.

  • Yes – all our mentors have an Enhanced DBS.

  • Yes – all mentors experience Oppidan’s own safeguarding training and many have undergone EduCare’s Level 2 qualification.

  • Our rates start at Β£80 + VAT/hr. To get clients set up with us we have a one-off registration fee of Β£240 + VAT. All families pay this membership and become part of our community.

  • Membership provides access to our mentors, and you will need to register in order to book sessions.

  • You will be sent a membership invoice upon starting with Oppidan. Invoices for mentoring hours are sent on the 1st of every month for the previous month’s sessions. There are three payment options: automatic deferred payment (with card saved on the system), direct through the system and bank transfer.

  • No.

  • No – there are no hidden costs, and time on the phone is not chargeable. If you would like to speak to our Families Team, please email, or call us on +44(0)20 3409 3359.

FAQs for schools

  • We have two key areas of focus - moving school and leaving school. Our mentoring programmes fit into personal development and PSHE provision as well β€˜Future Schools’ work at 11+/13+ and β€˜Future Pathways’ work at 16+.

    Our two key offerings are transition support for leaving primary school (Year 5/6) and peer mentoring training for Year 12s.

  • Schools schedule full or half day programmes with us, often during β€˜off-timetable’ days or at the beginning or end of term.

  • We are proud to work with schools of all shapes and sizes across both the private and state-funded sectors. Our partners, both private and state-funded, are based across the U.K and beyond.

  • Give our school's team a call: tell us what you need, and we will design something that suits your context and cohort size. We then recruit a suitable mentor group and train them for your exact needs.

    Workshops are led by one mentor normally to groups of 7-10 with a schedule created by us.

  • All impact and data are tracked on our platform, which gives parents and teachers easy access to the work happening on the ground.

    Parents can log in and see the reports on their children as well as accessing our supplementary resources.

  • Our platform houses a huge range of supplementary resources relevant to your educational context, especially around transition to secondary school and university.

    Any family doing a school programme also benefits from 50% off membership for our private mentoring.