Greenwood Academies Trust

In November 2023, our team spent two launch days in the Midlands working with the Greenwood Academies Trust to launch our second full MAT hub partnership after the success of our work with David Ross Education Trust last year.

On Wednesday mentors travelled to Nottingham Academy and Thursday at Stanground Academy in Peterborough. The other Greenwood schools present at the days were Weston Favell Academy, Brunts Academy, Nottingham Girls Academy and Skegness Academy. 
The days were focused on training Year 12 students to mentor their young peers and bringing schools together to develop whole-trust cohesion and community. 
As so often we were richly rewarded with a brilliant cohort of willing students, passionate about mentoring and motivated to become mentors in their own right. 
Students are now paired with Y7s and we look forward to visiting them for our follow-up day to share learnings from their experiences and help solidify their journeys to joining a fast-growinggroup of mentors around the world, trained by Oppidan. 


Learn more about our mentoring in senior schools.

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