Education South West

We were delighted to begin our partnership with Education South West supporting over 160 students from across the group.  

We were working with students from: 

These students, taken from the pre-GCSE cohorts (Years 9&10) worked with their mentors to foster their character (building a better understanding of self and core values, as well as current strengths and areas to develop), oracy (speaking and listening skills) and their readiness for the opportunities and challenges ahead this year, through horizon scanning, learning about navigating failure and goal setting. 

As elsewhere the three key outcomes were: 

  1. Readiness - Being prepared for academic tests and success after school 

  2. Oracy - speaking, listening and understanding 

  3. Character- self-reflection, identity, values and goals 

Next term each student will receive a bespoke 1:1 session focused on these 3 strands with a view to developing their academic engagement and enjoyment of school.  


Learn more about our mentoring in schools.

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Pembridge Hall School


Wellington School