What happens in Oppidan’s mentoring sessions?


Whether in small groups of 1:8 or in personalised 1:1 sessions, Oppidan's mentoring content hooks onto our core outcomes of readiness, oracy and character.

More information on the 'why' for our outcomes can be found here.  

 This non-exhaustive list gives a sense of what students focus on in their in-school mentoring sessions with Oppidan. Sessions and content are pitched appropriately across Key Stages 2-5 (ages 9-18).  


Setting & Scoring Goals 

Thinking about what we want to achieve is the start to any student journey.   

Embracing Failure 

Hard knocks should be appreciated; how can we learn to make the most of our setbacks?  

The Big Moments: Handling The Pressure 

Nerves are normal. Here’s a chance to learn how to handle them.  

Life Hacks: Building Good Habits 

Every day is a collection of small decisions; let’s start as we mean to go on.  

Can You Believe It? Growth Mindset  

Is there a difference between confidence and self-belief? How can we stop the mind playing tricks on us?  



Sell Yourself: The Elevator Pitch 

Learn to stand up for yourself; be proud to pitch your interests, talents and achievements.    

Say It Like It Is: Talking in Public 

Speaking in front of others can be daunting, but it doesn’t need to be.  

Hear We Go: Active Listening 

Listening is wisdom; learn to pick up on the right things, showing empathy and intellect.  

Give & Take: Handling Feedback 

Transparency and clear communication makes for successful relationships; learn to enjoy the process.  

Have Some Perspective 

We don’t all agree, that much is obvious. Understanding where others come from is the route to progress.    


Know Yourself Better  

We all have strengths and weaknesses; understanding them helps us to showcase our best.  

See It & Be It: Role Models 

We aspire to be those we see ahead of us. What makes great leadership?  

Weakness is Strength: Vulnerability 

Opening up about what we’re less good at can be a secret superpower; learn to harness it.   

Start Your Engine: Motivation 

With big challenges and plenty of time for distraction, how do we stay focused on what lies ahead?  

Playing for the Team  

Growing up is a team sport; we win if we work with others.  


  If you have questions about Oppidan's content, outcomes or our delivery in schools, please reach out.

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Who are Oppidan’s mentors in schools?


Our key outcomes in schools: readiness, oracy and character