St Dominic’s Sixth Form College

In January 2024, Oppidan begun a partnership with our first ever Sixth Form College partner, St Dominic's Sixth Form College in Harrow on the Hill.

Oppidan started work with a motivation day for Y13 students, with six mentors delivering an assembly followed by a series of 1:1 sessions for fifty students ahead of their A Level exams. The sessions focused on three key outcomes: readiness, oracy and character.

After a successful first day, Oppidan are delighted to be co-leading a workshop with Pavandeep Gill, Assistant Principal at St Dominic's, at the Sixth Form Colleges Association Summer Conference in June 2024. The workshop is titled 'Mentoring the hard to reach' and will share learnings from Oppidan's partnership with St Dominic's.


Learn more about our mentoring in senior schools.

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Eton & Holyport College


E-ACT – The Oldham Academy North & Royton and Crompton Academy