Conversations with Mentors - Will A


Nicole recently spoke to Oppidan mentor, Will. Have a read of what they spoke about.


Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you are currently up to? 

I’m a trainee counsellor doing as much Oppidan mentoring as I can. I love to go bouldering and have been challenging myself with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - which is incredibly scary and gratifying all at once. I also love to dance on the weekends at the Ecstatic Dance UK events. 

What inspired you to do a degree in Counselling and Coaching? And are you enjoying it? 

Counselling was there for me when I most needed it and I now feel inspired to hold space for others. It’s an absolute privilege! I’m intensely, invigorated by the topics we cover. My only downer is we don’t spend enough time on each topic - a good problem to have!

You also did a degree in acting which is awesome, do you still hope to continue acting alongside mentoring and counselling? 

Acting is very dear to my heart and always will be. But for now I’ve stepped back from the acting identity which includes acting but is very different. Whilst I’m very much enjoying the space deep down I know in the future I’ll probably end up acting some more and this time from a place of love. The acting skills come in handy whilst mentoring students that’s for sure!

You have recently joined Oppidan as a pro-mentor. Why did you decide to become a mentor? 

Mentoring ticks a lot of boxes for me. It’s creative, flexible and fulfilling. Everything I want from a job. I stepped back from running my theatre company to do this as it felt more in-line with my values. This is no longer a day job to me anymore, this is my job. 

From your time being a mentor, what skills have you learnt that you have used in your current occupation or daily life?

 The ‘desire statement’ is so simple and effective! I always make sure with counselling clients we know why we’re here and what we want to get out of the sessions. I’d also say learning to be in tune with each student and offer them what they need is essential. Some students need a high five at the end of a session and to others a high five is not cool. Bringing my authentic self into sessions really helps as well. Students can always tell if you’re performing. Both these assets help me massively when seeing clients at a counsellor. 

Other than acting and mentoring, what other passions do you have?

I love meditation, it’s a huge part of my life - like brushing my teeth is. I have a passion for coffee, wild swimming and cold water exposure mixed with sauna. Getting out and active is my jam! I feel most alive when in nature and getting the blood flowing.  

Final question – if a gene gave you three wishes, what would you wish for?

Unlimited wishes… I’m kidding! 1. That hummus didn’t make me feel bloated. 2. For education to integrate the research on wellbeing into the core curriculum of schools. 3. National tech free days every year!!


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