Heads & Tales - Liz Robinson


The latest guest on Heads & Tales to face our seven questions is the co-founder and CEO of Big Education, the ever-eloquent Liz Robinson.

Liz co-founded the Multi-Academy Trust Big Education with three principles in mind: a balanced education of the head (academics), heart (character and wellbeing) and hand (problem solving, creativity and making a difference). She now oversees three schools in the trust as well as a charity that are all aimed at transforming the education system.

🎙️ Key discussion points

  • Liz discusses the role her mentors have played throughout her career, recognising her potential and supporting her through various challenges

  • She reflects on her early school days as a quiet rebel, as well as how early experiences such as organising a school music festival have shaped her leadership style

  • She discusses taking over Surrey Square at the tender age of 29 and the challenges of managing such a complex environment, including receiving anonymous letters of complaint against her

  • Liz talks about the emotional ups and downs of leadership and the importance of not going into your shell as a coping mechanism. Emotional intelligence is so important!

  • Her daughter's recent autism diagnosis and how it ties in to her love of Sherlock Holmes

  • Her hot take on the rumbling independent schools debate, highlighting their importance as a space to innovate where state schools are unable

  • And much, much more!

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